Dimples Are for Your Face – SmoothShapes Removes Cellulite
Tired of having dimpled, uneven skin which doesn’t respond to diet and exercise, or lotions and potions? Cellulite isn’t normal fat but hardened deposits that gather on the tummy, thighs, and buttocks. A workout won’t smooth the surface of cellulite, now or later. The only thing that will help return your curves to their pre-cellulite, youthful appearance is to get in there and do something about it –inside the cellulite, that is.
SmoothShapes™ penetrates fat layers deeply and helps break down cellulite -without surgery. Safe and soothing, this non-invasive treatment uses a triple-energy system of warming massage, light, and laser to give you visibly smoother results within just a few weeks. SmoothShapes™ helps get rid of jiggling fat deposits and unforgiving dimples so your skin is smoother, your body sleeker, and so that your clothes fit better without the use of uncomfortable form shapers.
Dr. Deepak R. Gelot is proud to offer FDA-approved, SmoothShapes™ –the preferred non-invasive treatment for smoothing cellulite– at the Carolina Wellness and Cosmetic Laser Center in the Charlotte area. SmoothShapes™ liquefies individual fat cells, using high-energy pulses. It also assists in moving the fat out of the body as liquid waste. At the same time, the treatment increases circulation and collagen production to discourage recurrence.
Most patients will have a series of six to eight treatments. The results keep improving for up to six months, at which time a maintenance plan using SmoothShapes™ is recommended.
Carolina Cosmetic Care is located in Kings Mountain and serves Charlotte and surrounding areas, including Gastonia, Hickory, Asheville, Spartanburg, and Rock Hill. Call (704) 734-0010 to have your questions about cellulite reduction answered by Dr. Gelot, to learn more about our other body sculpting services, or to schedule a confidential consultation.