Cosmetic Care

Self-love is the greatest medicine

Cosmetic Care2021-03-20T22:52:06+00:00

Project Description

At Carolina Cosmetic Care we specialize in providing the safest, latest technology in laser skin resurfacing and tightening. Our office is committed to helping patients feel relaxed and confident from the first phone call, through every visit, and beyond!


EndyMed Radio Frequency Delivers 3-in-1 Body Contouring Need an all-around cosmetic procedure that doesn't "borrow from Peter to pay Paul?" EndyMed can lift the sagging body, facial and neck tissues [...]


Dimples Are for Your Face - SmoothShapes Removes Cellulite Tired of having dimpled, uneven skin which doesn't respond to diet and exercise, or lotions and potions? Cellulite isn't normal fat [...]


One Platform that Makes Multiple Treatments Safe Having a smorgasbord of different doctors, and clinics for as many cosmetic issues you'd like to correct can be damaging to your health [...]


Lipotherme™ Combines Lipo & Laser for Maximum Results Considering traditional liposuction but worried about sagging skin, bruising, and long downtimes? Want a more permanent solution to the non-invasive body contouring [...]


Minimize Stubborn Tummy and Hip Fat with Zerona® Stubborn pockets of fat located on the hips, thighs, or around the waist need an extra push to go away. This is [...]

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